The experts in tiles - An Australian owned family business since 1989​




Picking up

You may choose to pick up your order from our warehouse at 10 Roussell Road, Eastern Creek NSW.  Orders are to be collected in full, or partially. Partial pickups must be arranged prior to payment.  Goods may be invoiced per pick up.  Full pallets will not be broken down unless arranged prior to payment.

Manual hand loading of items remains the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle. Good Buy Clearance Tiles staff may refuse to load you if the load or vehicle is deemed unsafe.

Goods can be loaded on:

  1. a) utility vehicles with clear access or
  2. b) Pantech trucks or barn door vans with straps / angles / restraining points.

If goods cannot be restrained, goods will need to be loaded manually by the driver, and will be the sole responsibility of the driver.

Good Buy Clearance Tiles will not be responsible for any damage or losses occurred by manual loading / unloading of items. If you have any questions regarding the loading / unloading of items, please ask Good Buy Clearance Tiles staff prior collection.


Orders can be arranged to be delivered through third party transport companies. Good Buy Clearance Tiles does not endorse any transport companies but can provide you with contact details if you so wish to organize your own delivery.

Items are packed differently by each manufacturer; each pallet will vary in terms of weight and dimensions.

Request a quote for delivery using the contact form on our website to determine the best price for delivery.


Orders can be stored for up to 4 weeks free of charge from the date of invoice, after which storage fees will apply at $50 per pallet per week. Storage fees are payable prior to collection.


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10 Roussell Rd
Eastern Creek NSW 2766

Our Hours

Monday – Friday
9:00am – 4:30pm

9:00am – 3:00pm